b'Recollection by Tony JamiesonWhen I first joined Clarke Gammon in April 1994, their single office was situated on the first floor above a dress shop and archway over Phoenix Court at No. 45 High Street. The partners were all referred to as Mr and were the only ones allowed to touch the post. The phone system wasnt capable of transferring calls so messages were conveyed by post it notes which were stuck to your phoneand at times you literally couldnt see your phone for stickers! Sales particulars were usually black and white, with only the really expensive properties in colour, and photographs had to be stuck on the details which were typed on a typewriter and then photocopied several hundred times to be sent out on handwritten envelopes to those on the mailing list. The firm had a cellar full of old files dating back to the start of the business in the early 1900s, but unfortunately many were lost in the floods of Guildford in September 1968 when the cellar was flooded.I still remember to this day, the first property I went to see with the then, senior partner, Brian Clarke, a fine house in Pewley Hill. When we got to the property we The Floods of Guildford'